This data protection policy informs users about the type, scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data through this website (in the following «provider») by the following, responsible party:

c/o AGENDIS Business Center
Sebastian-Kneipp-Str. 41
60439 Frankfurt am Main
Commercial register: 60439 Frankfurt am Main
Tax ID Number: DE 212 534 871
Number of organic certificate: DE-HE-039-05889-BCD-2021-V1

The legal principles of data protection can be found in the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the German Telemedia Act (TMG).

Access Data / Server Log Files

The provider (or their webspace provider) collects data on every access to the offer (so-called server log files). This access data includes:

Name of the retrieved web page, file, date and time of the retrieval, quantity of data transferred, logs regarding succesful retrieval status, browser type and version, the operating system of the user, referrer URL (the previously visited page), IP address and the requesting provider.

The provider only uses the log data for statistical analysis and for the purpose of operation, security and optimisation of their offer. The author and provider reserves the right, however, to check at a later point in time if concrete evidence in the log data has created justified suspicion that unlawful use has taken place.

Handling of personal data

Personal data is information of any kind which allows a person to be identified. This definition includes all details which can be traced back to a person. This includes names, email addresses, or phone numbers. It also encompasses personal data about preferences, hobbies, memberships or which web pages were viewed by someone. Personal data is only collected, used and passed on by the provider if permitted by law, or if the user gives their consent.


Contact with the provider (for example via the contact form or email) stores the information of the user for the purpose of processing the request, as well as in the event that follow-up questions arise.

Comments and contributions

If users leave comments or other contributions on the blog, their IP addresses are stored. This is done for the safety of the provider if someone submits illegal content in their comments and contributions (insults, prohibited political propaganda, etc.). In this case, the provider themselves can be prosecuted for the illegal content and therefore has an interest in the identity of the author.


With our newsletter, we will inform you about us and our range of products.

If you want to receive the newsletter, we need a valid email address and information that allow us to check both that you are the owner of the email address provided and agree as its holder to receive our newsletter. Additional data is not collected. This data is used only for sending the newsletter and is not passed on to third parties.

By registering for the newsletter, we store your IP address and the date of application. This data is stored as proof in the event of a third party using an email address without consent of the rightful owner to sign up for the newsletter.

You can revoke your consent to the storage of your data or your e-mail address as well as their use for the delivery of the newsletter at any time. The revocation can be made via a link in the newsletter itself, in your profile area or by serving notice to the above contact information.

Integration of Services and Content of Third Parties

It may happen that within the online offer content from third parties, for example videos from YouTube, maps from Google maps, RSS feeds, or images from other web sites are displayed. This always assumes that the provider of such content (hereinafter referred to as «third-party provider») may log the IP address of the user. Without the correct IP address, they could not send content to the user’s browser. The IP address is required for the presentation of this content. We try to only use such content where the respective provider uses the IP address exclusively for the delivery of content. However, we have no control over third party providers saving IP addresses , e.g. for statistical purposes. In as far as this is known to us, we will inform our users.


Cookies are small files that allow the storage of specific device related information on the access device of the user (PC, smartphone, or similar). They are used to improve the usability of web pages and thus serve the users (e.g. by storing login information). They are also used to capture the statistical data of the website use and to are analysed in order to improve it. The user can have an influence on the use of cookies. Most browsers have an option to restrict or completely prevent the storing of cookies. But it must be pointed out that the restricting of cookies negatively impacts the use of and especially the ease of use of web sites.

You can manage the cookies from many online ads from companies through the American site or the EU site


Data entered during the process of registration is used for the purpose of site and offer improvement. The user can be informed by email of registration-related information, such as changes in either the scope of supply or of technical circumstances. Data to be collected is shown in the input mask framework of the registration form. This includes basic data such as name, address, email address, bank account details (if any) and your user data (user name, password).

Google Analytics

This offer uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. («Google»). Google Analytics uses so-called «Cookies», text files that are stored on your computer to enable analysis of your use of a website. The information generated by the cookie about use of a website is usually transmitted to a server of Google in the United States and stored there.

In case of activation of IP anonymisation on this website, the IP address of Google users within the European Union or other states party to the agreement within the European Economic Area will be shortened prior to transmission to Google. Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address transferred to a Google server in the United States and is shortened there. IP anonymisation is active on this website. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate the use of the website by the user to compile reports on website activity and to provide further services related to website activity and internet usage for website operators.

The IP address sent as part of Google Analytics from your browser is not merged with other Google data. The user can prevent the storage of cookies by adjusting their browser settings; this website advises you, however, that you then cannot fully use all the functions of this website in this case. Users can also prevent data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) being collected by Google, as well as Google’s processing of this data by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link:

As an alternative to the browser add-on or within browsers on mobile devices, please click this link to prevent the acquisition of data by Google Analytics from this site in the future. An opt-out cookie will then be placed on your device. If you delete your cookies, then you will need to click on this link again.

Cancellation, Changes, Corrections and Updates

The user has the right to receive, on request, information about the personal data stored about him. In addition, the user has the right to rectification of incorrect data, blocking and deletion of his personal data, insofar as no legal requirement to retain this information exists.

Data protection template provided by Lawyer Thomas Schwenke — I LAW it.