Ethical Trading Policy
At Wital we are committed to developing a profitable, stable Company. However this must be compatible with the interests of our customers, employees, suppliers and contractors, business partners and the community where we carry on our business. With this in mind we trade to the following Ethical Trading Criteria and are totally committed to a code of ethics designed to promote honesty, integrity, fairness and mutual respect demonstrated by:
Wital trades according to the following Ethical trading Code of Practice. This practice applies to staff directly employed by Wital on temporary or permanent contract, staff employed or provided by contractors or employment agencies to work on behalf of Wital:
• Our commitment to provide customers with quality products and services
• Our commitment to fulfil our contractual obligations to suppliers, customers business partners and contractors
in order to provide high service standards
• Our encouragement to develop working relationships based on trust, equal opportunity and non-discrimination
• Our encouragement of career development and continued training for our staff and to recognise and reward both individual
efforts and teamwork
• Our commitment to establish and sustain positive relationships with our local community based on mutual understanding
• Our commitment to act responsibly regarding health and safety and enforce at all times our stringent health
and safety policy to safeguard customers, suppliers, contractors, employees and the general public
• Our commitment to co-operate fully with government agencies to ensure we comply with all applicable laws,
bylaws and regulations.
Wital trades according to the following Ethical trading Code of Practice. This practice applies to staff directly employed by Wital on temporary or permanent contract, staff employed or provided by contractors or employment agencies to work on behalf of Wital:
• All employment is freely chosen
• Working conditions are safe and hygienic
• Child labour is not used
• Wages are fair and comparable to the industry standard and will always exceed the minimum wage
• Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure is not permitted
• Working hours are not excessive
• No harsh, cruel or degrading practice is permitted
• No bribery, corruption, blackmailing or bullying is permitted
As part of our commitment to this policy, Wital is aiming to communicate this policy to all of our first tier suppliers, with a request to answer a questionnaire on this subject to show that they have set similar criteria for their own suppliers and service providers. Thus the aim is to demonstrate a commitment to good business ethics throughout the length of the supply/service chain. In addition to making enquiries we may also visit prospective new suppliers and make our own observations and make regular visits to established suppliers both at home and abroad.